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Zeri I Kohes

Zeri I Kohes

Diku larg degjohet

Humbet ne mugetire,

si qiell qe mjegullon

Si nje nate ne erresire.

I larget vjen zeri i kohes...

gjemime e jehone

te kerkon ta gjesh

nga toke, nga det

nga ku nuk te gjurmon...

peng mba zemren tone.

Te therret ta rijetosh

si melodi e dashur

shpesh here te josh,

po rruga eshte bosh!

Sa here e kerkojme

ka momente, lotojme,

dhe pse e dime mire

qe koha e ka fshire!

Zeri I kohes,

pluhur, avull e ere

ngarkuar me kristale,

vjen si fllad i lehte.

ne e shkundim shpejt

si te ishte polen ne gjethe

sepse ditet qe kaluam,

askush me s' i pret!

Zeri i kohes,

degjohet i zbehte,

nga labirinthet e thella,

ku Haidi eshte mbret,

cdo gje mbetet sekret.

E ardhmja na therret

ajo behet si magnet.

Zihen dy kohet,

nje beteje e pashuar

sa e gjate ngjan koha e shkuar...

dhe kjo e sotmja duhet jetuar

Ngjan lume i dredhuar!

Sa mall zeri I se kaluares...

Si muza Mnimosine,

na mban gjalle kujtesen,

kush ishim, e nga vijme?

I larget zeri i se shkuares,

ne kujtese nje vegim

si dielli ne perendim.

I forte zeri i se ardhmes,

Si lindje dielli n' agim!

(c) ELKO N.Qeparoi

16 Gusht 2022 @ Spile-Himare.

The Voice of Time

It is heard somewhere, far away

Lost in the infinity,

like a foggy sky

Like a night in the dark.

Faraway comes to the voice of time...

groans and echoes,

it asks you to find it

from the land, from the sea

where it doesn't track you...

Hold your hearts hostage,

you are called to relive it

like a beloved melody,

often seduce,

Yes, the road is empty!

How many times do we ask for it

there are moments, we cry,

and why we know it well

that time has been erased!

The sound of time,

dust, vapor, and wind

loaded with crystals,

it comes like a light breeze.

we shake it off quickly

as if it were pollen on the leaves

because the days we spent,

no one is expecting to live!

the sound of time,

sounds faint,

from deep labyrinths,

where Haid is king,

everything remains secret.

The future calls out to us

it becomes like a magnet,

to live the rest of our life.

The two times are fighting,

sounds like an unending battle

how long the past seems...

and today that must be lived

Is a winding river!

How longing for the voice of the past...

As the Mnimosine muse,

keeps our memory alive,

who we were, where we come from?

The voice of the past is far away,

in memory of a vision

like the sun in the west.

The strong voice of the future,

Look like sunrise at dawn!

(c) ELKO N.Qeparoi

August 16, 2022 @ Spile-Himare.

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